Affiliation offers companies recruiting opportunities with top talent. The Forum Recruiting Program networks affiliated companies with 1000+ Stanford CS/EE students. The Computer Forum facilitates on-campus interviews, coordinates company information sessions, hosts a bustling Career Fair, posts job listings for member companies, hosts Career Strategy Workshops, a noon-time workshop providing students with career tips and strategies, and facilitates company tours.
Visiting Scholars
The closest form of affiliation is collaboration. Affiliates may send a company researcher or engineer to join a Stanford faculty member's research group as a visiting scholar for an extended period of time. This enhanced relationship affords companies the opportunity to directly participate in computer science and electrical engineering research at Stanford. The visiting scholar, mutually selected by the affiliate and the Forum, will be assigned office space in their faculty host's laboratory, may audit courses, attend research seminars, and use the University library and computer facilities, as well as recreational facilities. An additional fee is required to participate in this program.
Meetings & Workshops
Affiliates can keep current on the latest research at the several technical meetings and workshops the Forum facilitates every year at Stanford and abroad. The Annual Meeting, held every spring on campus, gathers Forum members together to hear faculty, graduate students, and industry leaders present their latest research theories and findings. Specific research topic workshops are organized year round on developing areas in Information Management, Security, Clean Slate Design for the Internet, and more.