2010 Annual Affiliates Meeting
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Annual Affiliates Meeting: April 27-30
Location: Arrillaga Alumni Center
Fisher Conference Center
326 Galvez Street
Stanford, CA 94305
Questions: click here
The Annual Meeting will be hosted for the 42nd consecutive year by the Computer Forum at the Arrillaga Alumni Center at Stanford University. The four-day event will present opportunities for our industrial partners to hear about latest developments in timely and critical areas of technology.
Day 1 | POMI Workshop |
The mission of the NSF-funded POMI 2020 Expedition is to break down barriers to openness: (1) loss of user data privacy and control (2) increasing difficulty for new Web services to enter the market, (3) inaccessible wireless capacity due to closed networks, and (4) network infrastructure not open to continued innovations. This workshop presents the latest results of this research project and includes invited talks by experts in the industry. The workshop is organized by the project's Executive Director, Dr. Guru Parulkar and Professor Monica Lam. | April 27 Fisher Conference Center, Alumni Center |
Day 2 | Plenary Session and Poster Session |
The Plenary Session, organized by Professor Scott Klemmer , will feature selected talks by faculty and industry leaders on current research web-scale data, digital health, design thinking, and computational creativity. At the seated lunch, Microsoft Principle Researcher, Bill Buxton, will talk about bringing design thinking to the technology industry. The day will conclude with a reception and a poster session of CS and EE student research. |
April 28 McCaw Hall, Alumni Center |
Day 3 | InfoLab Workshop |
The InfoLab Workshop is chaired by Professors Hector Garcia-Molina & Jennifer Widom. The InfoLab workshop brings together our industrial partners, alumni, and academic colleagues with research interests covering a variety of areas related to information management. We report on Stanford's latest research projects and hear about key problems and issues in industry. |
April 29 Fisher Conference Center, Alumni Center |
Day 4 | Security Workshop |
The Annual Security Workshop, now in its 12th year, will present cutting edge research on computer security from the Stanford Security Lab. Topics include web security, security for embedded devices and mobile phones, operating systems, code analysis, secure user interfaces, cryptography, and many others. The workshop is organized by Professors Dan Boneh and John Mitchelland will involve talks from faculty and PhD students. | April 30 Fisher Conference Center, Alumni Center |