2008 Annual Affiliates Meeting
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Meeting Location:
Arrillaga Alumni Center
326 Galvez Street
Stanford CA 94305
Day 1 | Security Workshop |
Professors Dan Boneh and John Mitchell are co-chairs of the Tenth Annual Security Workshop which focused on specific projects in the Security Laboratory and the Applied Crypto Group. | 8:45am - 5:15pm Fisher Conference Center, Alumni Center |
Day 2 | Plenary Meeting |
The Plenary Meeting, co-chaired by Professors Mendel Rosenblumand Abbas El Gamal, presents a broad industry/university perspective of the new phenomenon of social networking. What is it? Where is it going? What are the research questions? The meeting offers a broad view of research in CS, CSL, and ISL through selected talks by faculty on hot research topics.
8:00 am – 5:00 pm Fisher Conference Center, Alumni Center |
Day 3 | InfoLab/Hitachi Workshop |
This year the InfoLab is joining forces with Hitachi to present the InfoLab/Hitachi Workshop. The morning will focus on some of the research done in the InfoLab. The afternoon,a joint session with Hitachi, will explore the future of information technology. Four outstanding IT "gurus" will give us their vision for what could be called the "information cloud", a world where all information is available from everywhere, any time. |
8:30am – 5:00pm Fisher Conference Center, Alumni Center
5:00pm – 7:00pm Reception |
Day 4 | Programmable Open Mobile Internet 2020 Workshop |
The workshop will include invited talks from leaders around the world and from local experts on technology and business trends that are driving the vision of the Programmable Open Mobile Internet and on promising new technologies, architectures, and services to help realize this vision. It will include lot of time for discussion including a panel discussion of experts. | 8:30 am – 5:00pm Fisher Conference Center, Alumni Center |