Annual Meeting: 2007 Clean Slate Networking Research Workshop
Monday, March 21, 2007
Professors Nick McKeown and Balaji Prabhakar co-chaired this expository workshop on the newly created Clean Slate Design for the Internet group. The workshop progam was characterized by two research questions: With what we know today, if we were to start again with a clean slate, how would we design a global communications infrastructure? and How should the Internet look in 15 years? Faculty and students from the Departments of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Management Science and Engineering introduced current and future projects of this new collaborative interdisciplinary research program.
The workshop, held on March 21, 2007 at the Arrillaga Alumni Center at Stanford, was sponsored by the Stanford Computer Forum as part of their 39th Annual Affiliates Meeting.
Time | Agenda | PDF/PowerPoint |
8:30 AM | Check-in & Breakfast | |
9:00 AM | Professor Nick McKeown Introduction |
PowerPoint |
9:45 AM | Professor Jonathan Turner, WUSTL An Architecture for a Diversified Internet |
PowerPoint |
10:30 AM | Break | |
11:00 AM | Professor Bernd Girod Clean Slate Design for Internet Video Delivery |
11:30 AM | Professor Balaji Prabhakar 21st Century Queuing Theory, and Internet Address Allocation |
PowerPoint |
12:00 PM | Lunch with Poster Session | |
1:30 PM | William B. Norton, Equinix Video Internet: The Next Wave of Massive Disruption to the U.S. Peering Ecosystem |
2:00 PM | Professor Dan Boneh A Clean Slate Approach to Web Technology |
2:30 PM | Professor John Mitchell Security Analysis of Network Protocols |
3:00 PM | PANEL (Moderated by Balaji Prabhakar) It's Not Just About the Plumbing |